Monday, February 25, 2008

No food please

Oh man oh man. Ive never realized how much the television promotes food. I have never noticed food in general so much in my life. It seems like everything I see, hear, or think about is food. AND!!!!!....I HATE it!!!! I am so sick at night and sometimes in the day too. I cant look at anything anymore!! All I do is lay down and watch the food filled television laugh in my sick face with its actors taking giant bites of chilli cheeseburgers and making me want to barf. Even the words of food make me sick. I just cannot handle this! I hate being pregnant. Ive said it once, twice, and now the 3rd time! I HATE IT!!!! Cant I fast forward 7 months? sigh.


Scott and Melissa said...

i feel your pain!! sorry you are feeling poopy! you should ask your doctor to write you a script. i had some tablets that disolve on your tounge that makes your nausia go away! i have no advice for you.. nothing but that medicine worked for me. let me know if you need a sitter for larz! i just stay home all day, id love to watch him if you need some quiet time!

Megan said...

I hear ya, sister.

Campbell Family said...

I'm sorry girl! Hopefully it will get better soon!

Megan said...

By the way, the medicine is called Zofran and it might be your new best friend! :)

Rogers Family said...

Linds... That totally sucks girl.. I just finished being pregant thank goodness.. I totally can relate with you.. I wasn't really sick but just being pregnant in general was not fun for me this third time go around.. I can totally tell a difference each time.. Lots of love going your way.. You will have two beautiful children to add to your sweet Larz.. Best of luck sweetie..