Friday, October 24, 2008

Time Out

I've always been one of those moms that said "I'll never spank my kid.....I'll never put them in time out, thats stupid" Well ladies and gents, I now am one of those mothers. Larz met Mr. Time out last week. He's big and green and hopefully scary to him. ha. He was confused at first and then he realized that mommy wasn't moving and either was he. He flipped out and yelled at me. ha. I giggle thinking about it. But in all seriousness, he has a huge problem with yelling at me. He knows where his little buns are going if he misbehaves. Bless his heart.


Burdett Family said...

How funny. I think kids just love to yell at there mothers, mine sure do. Good luck with time out.

Campbell Family said...

I'm so proud of you!!! You've got to nip it in the bud now and you will be so much happier later. Show that man cub who's boss girl!! Be strong:)

The Burkinshaws said...

I am going to be honest with you Linds I don't know how you ever put something that cute in time-out. I think is needs to happen at my house for sure but that boy is one of the best looking kids that I have ever seen!!!

The Burkinshaws said...

Oh I totally agree with you

M.other I.would L.ike to F.orget

Scott and Melissa said...

Oh boy.. he really is just the cutest thing sitting in Mr. Timeout!

Megan said...

Oh I love these pictures! He has the most kissable cheeks I have ever seen!