Friday, November 21, 2008


The other night I dreamt that I was shooting a wedding and right before the ceremony started my camera battery died and I realized that I didn't have a memory card in my camera or batteries in my flash. I tried to stall the bride and she was so mean! ha. I wonder why? I called my mom and dad, balling my eyes out, to see if they could bring it and they hung up on me after telling me never to call their home again. ?? Sometimes when I have big events coming up I dream about something going wrong. It always helps me to prepare way more than I probably would've. I went to Sams club yesterday and bought a HUGE pack of AA batteries and another SD card.


Love Cami. said...

WOW that was a horrible dream... it made my stomach turn just reading it. I probably would have woken up crying and hyperventilating.

Nikki and Bill Weiland said...

I have those everytime something big coming up, they are horrible. I have actually gave into the blogging thing, so you can view it now!!!

Campbell Family said...

You can NEVER be too prepared...good for you! You will be just fine:)