Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I have had it with this age. I dont know how or why moms go through this 2 3 4 5 6 7 times. He is contantly saying no. Constantly disobeying me. constantly saying "mine". I cant sit for 2 seconds. I cant get any work done. I never have a clean house. I dont know how to use a drill gun or I would have solved alot of my problems with doors and cabinets. I have such a curious out of control michevious child. I am so tired after one day with him. Im never doing this again. Ever. but ....I love him. Sigh.


Adria said...

when he says no to me i put him in time out. i make him sit in a chair for two minutes and then make him say sorry. then if he says it again i ask him if he wants to go to time out and he tells me no and that usually fixes it.
good luck:)

Anonymous said...

Like OMG!!! Your life sounds impossible!!! How do u do it, girl?? He sounds like his father. Maybe you should let HIM raise your child. I bet he'll turn out ok growing up outside of a hippie household. Sounds like you need a breather!! Get rid of the imp, take a well deserved vacation and go hug a tree.

Daydreaming, tree hugging human named lindsey said...

oh I just took 2 well needed vacations.:) his dad does raise him as well. :) who is this anyways?

Burdett Family said...

oh how I feel your pain. Remember I have to Like that.

Daydreaming, tree hugging human named lindsey said...

yea. whoever you are. if those are the kind of comments you are going to leave you should probably just not leave anything. I would prefer that.

Geoffrey and Ellee Pettit said...

yeah that was way rude mr/mrs anoymouse. Lindsay change your setting so taht you can moderate your comments. I am so sorry you're going through this. I am too. Right now my boys both tell me to go away. They break everything and I sucks. Time out is a must. Give him two options like do you want to sit on the chair or in the corner, if he doesnt choose then you choose for him and stick with it. It is not easy. I loose my mind every day. Just be grateful you have family there to help you and support you. It may seem mean to you but sometimes if they sass me really bad I flick their mouth. Like they tell me shut up...I wont stand for that. But that is me. Better to nip it now so you dont have to deal with it when he's older. Love ya miss ya!

Megan {ShabbyBlogs} said...

Ha!It is me Ryen and geess what? I