Saturday, April 25, 2009

Helmet Head

I was cleaning out my car, getting ready to bring it to the car wash and larz was playing around in my passanger seat. All of the sudden he jumps up really high, toward my windshield. This is the result. He's fine but now he has the name helmet head. Sigh.


Megan said...

That is seriously impressive!

The Meyer Family said...

HOLY COW! I'm glad he only hurt the window :)

Tifani said...

Oh my gosh. I hope he is o.k. What a bummer!

Burdett Family said...

He must have hit that pretty hard. Windsheilds are pretty hard to break. I am glad he is ok.

Campbell Family said...

oh my gosh are you kidding me??! Whoaaa!

Trashy Decor said...

He is so silly and lovable!