This was supposed to be an email but it kept getting sent back to me. I wrote in a week ago. So I'll just leave it as a comment. :o)
Thanks for getting back to me! I know I crave holding tiny babies but I'm afraid to ask sometimes. I love to share her.
I dream of tip toeing in a stream or laying by a river. Water is my weakness. I use to love to write poetry but used to get to get away more, water is my muse. I would love to know about a few of your favorite secret spots.
I think I want to wait just a little longer to take pictures. I gained a lot of weight.. And its just hard to feel pretty when Im 30Lbs Over weight.. well more so 30 pounds over my pre pregnancy 110. Size 2 to 10... no fun. I like weeks 10 11 or 12 because they can hold their head up a little better but they are still so fresh. That will give me a few weeks to try and get a little more weight off. She will be 6 weeks tomorrow. I am in love with all the pictures you take. I would just want to leave it up to you what you do with us. You can shoot us in your favorite spot. :)
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” -John Muir
Whenever I think of Earth Day, I think of you. Isn't that funny? I love you.
This was supposed to be an email but it kept getting sent back to me. I wrote in a week ago. So I'll just leave it as a comment. :o)
Thanks for getting back to me! I know I crave holding tiny babies but I'm afraid to ask sometimes. I love to share her.
I dream of tip toeing in a stream or laying by a river. Water is my weakness. I use to love to write poetry but used to get to get away more, water is my muse. I would love to know about a few of your favorite secret spots.
I think I want to wait just a little longer to take pictures. I gained a lot of weight.. And its just hard to feel pretty when Im 30Lbs Over weight.. well more so 30 pounds over my pre pregnancy 110. Size 2 to 10... no fun. I like weeks 10 11 or 12 because they can hold their head up a little better but they are still so fresh. That will give me a few weeks to try and get a little more weight off. She will be 6 weeks tomorrow. I am in love with all the pictures you take. I would just want to leave it up to you what you do with us. You can shoot us in your favorite spot. :)
Talk to you soon,
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